
How to succeed at university

Watch two teachers giving tips on how to succeed at university and answer the questions. (answers in "comments")

1. What's their intention?
2. The first teacher recommends not to spend money on electronic dictionaries, why?
3. What's her advice?

4. According to the second teacher why are students there?
5. What do they have to do?
6. What's the last strange tip?

1 comment:

eoilumi1 said...

1. They want to explain how to be successful as an international student in an American university.
2. - Because they always leave it in the classroom and then it's difficult to know whose it is.
- Because translations are not very accurate.
3. Invest on a good quality English-English dictionary.
4. You're there to learn English
5. You have to force yourself to speak English and to think in English, especially in the classroom. You need to always speak English.
6. Wear sensible shoes!