
Travel options

Click here and listen to Keren talking about the way she travels. Do the comprehension activity and have a look at the vocabulary.

*Have a look at old posts about travelling clicking on Unit 3 F2F.


Relative pronouns

Click here to see a lesson on that topic.


Happy Valentine's Day

A. Watch this short video about one of the legends about the history of St Valentine and answer the questions. Check your answers in 'comments'.

1. When and where did St Valentine live?
2. Why was the Roman Empire crumbling?
3. What did Emperor Claudius II believe?
4. What did the Emperor do?
5. What did the bishop do?
6. What did the bishop do during his imprisonment?
7. Why was he sentenced to death?
8. What did he do before his execution?

B. Click here to listen to a podcast about St Valentine's Day. Answer the questions and then check them in 'comments'. You can also click here (you have the complete story and some of the vocabulary).

1. How do couples show their love for each other on St Valentine's Day?
2. What has the celebration become in recent years?
3. How many roses are sold worldwide?
4. Who do some historians suggest St Valentine was?
5. When did the duke of Orleans send what is considered the first St Valentine's card?
6. How did the duke seek solace for his confinement?
7. How is it celebrated in Japan?
8. What happens in Korea on 14th April?
9. What do Internet security experts say?
10. Who sends Valentine cards to criminals?
11. What kind of criminals?
12. Can you complete the poem?

________ are red
Violets are ________ 
You've got a warrant and
We'd ________ to ________  you!

*You can learn more about this festivity having a look at older posts.


Daily Exercise Leads to Better Health

Listen to the podcast and take notes. Then listen and read to check your notes (you can click on words you don't know to check the meaning).