
Black Friday

Happy Thanksgiving

Watch this video about the origins of Thanksgiving.

Listen to a girl called Angela talking about how Thanksgiving is celebrated in the USA and answer the questions (check your answers in 'comments').

1.    According to Angela how many holidays are there at the end of the year in the US?

2.    When do dinner preparations begin?

3.    What’s the typical menu? Main course:

Side dishes: _________  _________  , _________ , cranberry _________  , _________   _________   and _________  on the cab.

4.    What’s the most popular dessert?

5.    Where does Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade take place? Why is it mentioned?

6.    What time is dinner usually served?

7.    What do most people do in the afternoon?

8.    What do some people do on Thanksgiving Day? Why?

9.    What is ‘Black Friday’?


President Kennedy "taken from us" 50 years ago

Watch this video about the 50th anniversary of JFK assassination. Click on the right to see the script.


Adjectives ending in -ed and adjectives ending in -ing

1. Click here to learn the difference, read and listen to some examples. There's a long list of adjectives too (it's translated into Spanish).
2. Exercise 1. 
3. Exercise 2
4. Another website with a short explanation and an exercise.


Talk about your feelings like a native speaker.