
Extreme Sports

Click here to watch a video about extreme sports and do some activities.


Pepe's Pot

Just for fun!

Pepe's Pot, a cook from Gibraltar with Vanessa on GBC (TV Gibraltar). They both speak 'yanito', a perfect combination of 'andaluz' and English.



Listen to a conversation between a couple and a travel agent. Have a look at the exercise (T/F) but don't look at the script. Click here to listen.

House Hunters Madrid

Watch this video 2’55 to 6’56”. Complete the sentences or answer the questions. Check your answers in ‘comments’.
1. _____________ in central Spain, Madrid is the largest city on the Iberian península. A major _____________, political and _____________ hub.
2. What is this Cosmopolitan city known for?
3. Why is location going to be a challenge?
4. How are Miguel and Celsie’s tastes different?
5. What should the house be like?
6. What’s high in central Madrid?
7. Where’s the first house?
8. Is it near public transport?
9. House 1 is a _____________  _____________ _____________ one bedroom. It offers an easy _____________ to school or a quick _____________ _____________ for a midday siesta.
10. What’s the problem?
11. What do they like about the living room?
12. What’s the problem with the view?
13. What do they think of the kitchen?
14. What do they think of the bathroom?
15. What’s the problem with the bedroom?
16. What are their general views on the house?
17. What’s the problem?


Listen to this extract from a radio programme presenting writers Lesley Morris and Wendy Johnson who have just published two interesting books about tourism. Do the exercises and then listen and read the script.

View it, love it, live it

Watch the video from 2’20” to 4’50” and complete the sentences. Check your answers in ‘comments’.

1.       Each property has its own ____________  ____________ and secure ____________  ____________  ____________.
2.       It’s a ____________  ____________ beach house that has been built with loving care and the ____________ in mind.
3.       Many of the ____________ have been sourced from the ____________  ____________.
4.       It’s ____________, comfortable, really ____________  ____________.
5.       You’ve got ____________ and digital television.
6.       The kitchen’s been fitted with all the ____________  ____________ that you require for a ____________ ____________.
7.       ____________ there are 3 bedrooms,  ____________ up to six people and a ____________  ____________.
8.       The master bedroom has an ____________ bathroom.
9.       There’s an onsite ____________ and it’s ____________ friendly as well as family friendly.
10.   In the area you there’s a lot to do: ____________  ____________ , beach and cliff ____________... The North Cornish Coast is a ____________.
11.   Each property also has a lovely little ____________ to enjoy the evenings.

12.   Towan Valley offers a ____________  ____________ in holiday experience. You can choose to ____________  ____________ from it all or you can stay right there and meet some ____________  ____________  ____________.




1. Have a look at this slide presentation to learn about different kinds of houses.
2. On this website you can learn some vocabulary about parts of a house (you can listen to it and if you click on 'options' you can do a quiz or see the spelling).
3. Some places



Do you live to eat or eat to live? Do you have a complicated relationship with food? Listen to this article to find out more about food.

Do the Preparation task first. Then go to Text and listen to the article (don't read the script). Next go to Task and do the activity.

Ten simple steps to a healthier lifestyle

Watch the video and take notes. Then check your notes with the script at the bottom of the page.

Healthy lifestyle

Watch the video: How to start living a healthy lifestyle. The script is at the bottom of the page.