
Barbie in a burkha

This is the Reading.

Inner City Life

This is the video you saw in the exam yesterday (click on "Talk about"- the one that is 2' long). It's a shame they got rid of the conversation between the man and the monkey ! And this is the tapescript.


Spanish civil servants strike over cuts

Watch the video and read the news.

For football fans

Listen to the news about Argentina's controversial coach and see some vocabulary.

Some holiday destinations- Newcastle

Watch the video and answer the questions.


Some holiday destinations- The Trastevere in Rome

Watch the video and answer the questions or complete the sentences (answers in "comments")

1. What does the name “Trastevere” literally mean?
2. What do the proud neighbours believe themselves?
3. What did the neighbourhood become in the Middle Ages?
4. Who owns a lot of property there?
5. People go there to enjoy_________________________, to ______________________ in winding alleys or just to _________________ the chaos of central Rome. Visitors have always come here in search of _______________________________________.
6. What do some people fear?
7. What is the old café now?
8. What has the newspaper seller witnessed?
9. Today the neighbourhood is _____________________ but still keeps __________________________________________.
10. The glory of Rome lies in its ability to retain layer after layer of history even ________________________________________________________________________.

Some holiday destinations- London

Watch this video about Soho in London and answer the questions or complete the sentences(answers in "comments")

1. Where is Soho?
2. How can you get to Soho?
3. Which two ways of exploring the area does he mention?
4. The archs at Gerrard Street are the __________________________________.
5. What can you find in the area?
6. Which restaurant is a good option for vegetarians?

7. What is “Roonie Scott’s”?
8. People interested in art can also find ___________________________________.
9. Why does he say that Soho Square is transformed into a cultural square during the summer?

Some holiday destinations- New York

A visit to New York :Listen to a woman talking about her visit to New York. Choose the right answer and then listen and read the script.

Going on holiday? -Using a guidebook

Listen to the dialogue and learn some vocabulary.
First you listen to the dialogue at a slow speed, then you listen to the vocabulary explanation and finally you listen to the conversation again at a normal speed

Tips to improve your memory

Watch this video in which you get some tips to improve your memory. The first time watch it without the subtitles (click on "Sub" and choose "off")and take notes. Then watch it again looking at the subtitles to check you got the right information.

A job interview

A story about a job interview and some vocabulary. You can listen to it and take some notes. Finally you can read the lesson below.


English on the go- 3M (an innovative company)

Watch this programme in which a teacher takes the lesson out of the classroom and into real life.

Distinguish facts and opinions

You know that in the exams you will have to write summaries distinguishing facts and opinions. I think this can help you to do that. You have the script, some notes and exercises too.
There are many other lessons you could also find interesting.

Bad jobs

Listen to Tim and Jeff talking about jobs they wouldn't want to have and why. Then listen and read the script.

Cool jobs

Listen to Tim and Jeff talking about the jobs they'd like to do. Then listen and read the transcript.


Watch the video and take notes. Check with the transcript. Look at the vocabulary on the right and see the spotlight too. Then you can try the quiz.

Job options

Listen to a conversation between Tim and Jeff and try the quiz. Then listen and read the script. Have a look at some vocabulary too.

Looking for a job

Listen and take notes. Then listen and read the script. Click on next and learn some words.