

Click here to see some words related to Halloween.

LISTENING ACTIVITY (check your answers in 'comments')

 Exercise 1. Watch the video and write the exact day of each celebration:
1. All Saints Day
2. Samhain
3. All Hallows
4. All Hallows' Eve
5. All Souls day
6. Halloween
Exercise 2.  Watch the video again and answer questions 1-4 . 
1. Which of the customs below are celebrated during Halloween?
a) parades b) bobbing for apples c) giving presents d) trick or treating
2. What two things did people use to do at the night of 31st October? Why did they do it? a)...................................................................................................................................................................................................
3.  What are the names of the following customs:
a) A custom during which needy people offer their prays for dead relatives in return for pastry, such as  soul cakes, is called ….................... .
b) A custom during which young people dress up and accept food, wine or money in exchange for singing , reciting poetry or telling jokes is called …......................... .
4.  Read the text and write a missing word
Halloween has become a family-friendly, kid-centred custom in ….................... . Since then it's been growing in popularity all over the world. It's estimated that on average US consumers spend round ….............. on costumes annually, and the remaining on …........................ . Making it the second most commercial holiday after …........................ .

DARK SHADOWS by Tim Burton

Click here to do another listening activity about Halloween.


Listen to the story and take notes. Click here to read the story.


Each other/ one another

Watch a short video explaining the difference. The website, English Central, is an excellent tool to practise pronunciation and learn new vocabulary. There are different levels and you can record your voice. 



Click here to see more about the semicolon.

Click here to see linking words.


Watch the video and answer the questions (one word in each gap). Check your answers in ‘comments’.

  1. What was she doing while her friend Tom was talking about a really cool idea?
2. What did she realise?
3. What’s she trying to implement in her life now?
4. What three words come to her mind?
5. How does she do it?
- Put away ________________  ________________
- Use ________________ and ________________ to convey that you’re ________________ and ________________ in what this person is trying to ________________.
- Make ________________  ________________ with them.
- Wrap up their thought saying ‘so what you’re ________________ ________________...’.
6. How does she describe ‘listening’?
7. What does she promise?
- When you implement this, it will ________________  ________________  ________________  ________________ in seizing the moment.

8. How does she describe the process?

9. What do you need to do it?


Leisure time

A golf ball and clubDo the preparation activities and then watch the video.

Seaside entertainment

Image result for seaside entertainmentClick here to watch a video and do some vocabulary and comprehension activities. Follow the instructions on the website.

Subject and object questions

Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3


So do I / Neither do I

Click here to do an exercise and practise agreeing in the affirmative.

Click here to agree and disagree.

Different ways to say "I like"/ "I don't like"


Katia's weekend


Click here to listen to Katia talking about her weekend. Look at the activities and vocabulary on the website.

Now listen to Alex talking about the same topic.