
Does travel broaden the mind?

Listen to this podcast.
Fill in the gaps in these sentences (one word in each gap). Check your answers in ‘comments’.
1.       Melissa thinks the more you _____________, the more different _____________ you encounter and learn about them and _____________ the differences.
2.       They both agree that you learn nothing on the _____________.
3.       When you get there, you do the _____________ things: look at the nice _____________, take a few _____________, try the _____________...
4.       She did backpacking around _____________. They did about _____________ countries in 1 month and she thinks by the end of it they stopped _____________ it in.
5.       He travelled around South America for 3 and a half or 4 months and he was just _____________.
6.       ‘You learn about _____________’. She thinks this cliché is true. You learn about what you are _____________ of.
7.       He was water rafting and he learnt he could _____________ under water.
8.       She thinks travel broadens your mind considering travel as in taking yourself _____________ very different to what you know, putting yourself in another _____________, with another _____________, in another place.

9.       He thinks for travel to broaden your mind you have to _____________ and _____________ there. You basically have to be an _____________ _____________.

1 comment:

eoilumi1 said...

1. travel / cultures / understand
2. flight
3. touristy / buildings / photos / food
4. Europe / 10 / taking
5. tired
6. yourself / capable
7. breathe
8. somewhere / culture / language
9. go / live / English teacher