1. What comes to his mind when he thinks of Halloween?
2. He used to dressed up as a _______________ or as a _______________.
3. After trick or treating what did he and his brother compare and why?
4. How long did candy last?
5. Complete this list of things related to Halloween that he mentions:
Candy, _______________, Jack-O-Lanterns, black cats, _______________, ghouls, goblins, hyenas, _______________, werewolves, _______________ _______________, bats, vampires, Frankestein, _______________, screams and the famous _______________ _______________ _______________.
6. Why does he apologize?
7. What seems to be the problem?
8. What’s his message?
II. Watch the video and choose the best answer for the following questions (the answers are in "comments").
1. Mr. Burns asks Smithers (his loyal employee) to:
a) take down Halloween decoration
b) put up Halloween decoration
c) throw away the bat that is his Halloween decoration
2. Bart and Lisa say that their neighbour Flanders gave them:
a) candy
b) cakes
c) mini-toothpaste
3. According to Homer "ethnictown" is
a) the place where hardworking immigrants dream of becoming lazy and overfed Americans
b) the place where you can listen to ethnic serenades
c) the place where you can find lazy and overfed immigrants
4. What do the immigrants sell?
5. What does the fortune teller ask Marge?
6. Homer thinks the fortune teller is
a) a hospitable gypsy
b) someone who wants to rip them off*
c) a fake witch
7. What's the fortune teller's curse?
8. What does Marge think is happening the following day?
9. What does Moe tell Homer he needs to get rid of the curse?
a) a troll
b) another gypsy
c) a leprechaun*
10. What is Homer going to use as a bait to get one?
a) lucky charms*
b) lucky cookies
c) lucky rabbits
to rip somebody off: to cheat someone, especially by charging them too much money for something
leprechaun: in traditional Irish stories, a small man believed to have magic powers
lucky charms: something that people believe brings them luck.
III. Read, listen and complete this Halloween story.
IV. If you like Halloween films this is the quiz for you.
V. Listen to this horror story and answer the questions (answers in "comments").
Don’t turn on the light
1. Why didn’t she go to bed that night?
2. What did she do at midnight?
3. Why did she go to her bedroom at 2 o’clock in the morning?
4. When she opened the door carefully not to wake up Jenna (her roommate) the room was filled with___________________________________________?
5. How did she feel and what did she think of it?
6. Jenna was breathing heavily as if she ________________________________________ and she thought Jenna had ________________________________.
7. She could also hear a steady drip sound and she thought it came from_________________________________________________. She left the room quietly.
8. When did she decide to stop studying and why?
9. What was the scene her eyes registered when he opened her bedroom door?
10. What did she read on the wall?
Halloween message answers:
1. He thinks of his childhood in Philadelphia suburbs.
2. a pirate / a ghost
3. They used to compare candy to see who had the most and the best.
4. Candy lasted for a couple of days, no more.
5. costumes, ghosts, witches, haunted houses, spiders, Halloween horror movies.
6. For his voice that day
7. He thinks he's coming down with a little cold which he caught the day before when pedalling his bike up to a nearby hill top.
8. Happy Halloween to all of you!
The Simpsons video- answers:
1. b
2. c
3. a
4. a)apples b)cholera c)babies
5. If she is a cop (police officer)?
6. b
7. "You'll bring bad luck to everyone you love".
8. They are all being punished because he trashed (destroyed) the fortune teller's office.
9. c
Don't turn on the light- answers
1. She had to study for a History exam.
2. She ordered some food: a pizza and wings.
3. She had forgotten a book on her bed and needed it because the teacher had mentioned it.
4. a metallic smell
5. She felt a bit frightened but she didn't know why and she thought she needed some sleep after her finals were over (her mind was playing tricks).
6.had been running / a cold
7. The bathroom sink.
8.At 6 o'clock because she thought she could have a couple of hours sleep before the exam.
9. Her roommate was lying on the bed with her throat cut from ear to ear. There was blood everywhere.
10. Written in Jenna's blood she could read: "Aren't you glad you didn't turn on the light?".
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