

Exams 2014 (June and September)


Homes of the future

What kind of homes will we live in in the future? What kind of technology will we have? Watch this video for a glimpse of the homes of tomorrow and do the activities.

How to talk about a dirty house

New Home

story imageListen to Eucharia talking about her new house in Japan.

David and Samantha Cameron's kitchen

Click here to see and read about this famous kitchen.

Samatha Cameron's kitchen

Inside the British Home

Click here to see an interactive presentation showing how domestic spaces evolve from Saxon times to the post-modern area.


Click here to get to "guía del candidato", where you have all the information you need for your exams. Read them carefully!!



1. Click here to learn about house types.
2. In the kitchen
3. In the bedroom
4. In the bathroom
More vocabulary and exercises about different parts of the house
Learn some housing ad abbreviations.

Have a look at old posts about houses!


UFO: A story to remember

Resultado de imagen de ufoA listening activity about a man who saw a UFO.

Two Peas in a Pod

Resultado de imagen de identical twinsClick here to listen to a story about two identical twins.


Life of a Tree

You will hear the story of the life a tree in six parts. 
1. Guess the order that they will hear these parts:
a. The polluted city
b. First years of life
c. A terrible war
d. The village becomes a town
e. The forest grows again
f. Trees are cut down to make farms
2. Watch the video and  check your guesses.

3. Watch the video again and answer these questions:
Part a: How was the tree different from the young animals?
Part b: Why was the tree lucky?
Part c: Where did the tree live in the big town?
Part d: Why was the tree lucky again? (
Part e: Why was the tree unhappy?
Part f: What happened after the people left?
-Which changes happened slowly?
-Which changes were big and fast?

Check your answers in 'comments'

Click here to read the script.

Fairy Tales

First click here to see the script of a video with a different version of Sleeping Beauty and fill in the gaps with the right tense of the verbs in brackets. Then watch the video and check your answers. Finally, go to 'comments' and check them again.
harsher: more unpleasant
stinking: having a very stron, unpleasant smell
left out: not included
'ladida': informal BrE, something typical of upper-class people but not natural or sincere.
Try this on for size!: informal, Take that!
a shower: a group of people
loom over: to appear as a large shape that is not clear in a threatening way.
to put a curse on somebody: use magic powers or words to cause bad luck


Important people

Listen to five people talking about important people in their lives.