
Revise some 'speaking' verbs

A quick quiz to revise some verbs.


Oral skills

Have a look at the 'Speaking' posts. You'll find tips for your oral exams.


Click here to see the video about Freegans (watch it two or three times to answer the questions- don't read the script below the video).


Click here to go to an old post about this topic.


The British Pub

1. Carmen talks about the history and continuing popularity of the great British pub. 

Do the Preparation task first. Then watch the video. Next go to Task and do the activity. If you need help, you can read the Transcript at any time.

2. Rob talks about how people behave in a pub and the expressions we use when we want to make offers and requests. Watch the video and then do the tasks.

My favourite restaurant

This is the video we did in class.



1. Click here to learn some basic food vocabulary.
2. Now click here to learn more words (sorry, it has no sound).


1. Click here to read and listen to a text about food. Then do the multiple choice activity.
2. Read this article about Spanish Eating Habits.


1. This is a short listening about food with some activities.

2. Watch the video (from 1’15” to 2’39”) and answer the questions (check them in 'comments').

1.   What’s ‘Quick Burger’?
2. What does she order?
3. Why doesn’t Laura order anything?
4.  How long has Karina been a vegetarian?
5.  Who told Laura to start a new diet and why?
6.  What does Laura have for breakfast?
7.  What does Karina do in the mornings? Why?
8. What does Laura have for lunch?
9. Is it hard to be a vegetarian?
10. Why did Karina become a vegetarian?

3. Practise your listening with the four exercises on this website and learn about what British people do on Sundays.

4. Listen to Layla, a French girl, talking about American food and do the exercise.

5. Listen to Buddhi talking about her national cuisine (Sri Lanka).

6. Listen to Adelina talking about food in Spain.


Weak auxiliaries and stress

Click here to see examples of how auxiliaries are usually unstressed in English.

Now click here to learn about stress patterns.

Here you have more about stress.


Happy New Year!

1. Listen and read a text about New Year's Day.

2. Listen and fill in the gaps of this song by ABBA.

3. New Year's Resolutions. Learn some vocabulary and watch a video about this topic. Click here to see the script.

4. Watch this funny video about New Year's Resolutions. The lyrics are below the video.